This complete edition, which is the first outside Russia, of the correspondence between P. I. Tschaikovsky and the music-loving patron N. F. von Meck is an indispensable primary source on the composer's life and work as well as on his environment, while at the same time reflecting the political, cultural and social situation of the Russian Empire from the perspective of two privileged, educated and regime-loving subjects. Volume 3: Letters 1882-1890.
Fascinating buildings around the world Breathtaking pictures by Erieta Attali Designed by KOMA AMOK, Stuttgart<br /><br />Fascinating buildings around the world Breathtaking pictures by Erieta Attali Designed by KOMA AMOK, Stuttgart
- Winner of the Lovis Corinth Prize 2020 - Media pioneer, artist, curator and author - Wanderer between art and science
- Winner of the Lovis Corinth Prize 2020 - Media pioneer, artist, curator and author - Wanderer between art and science
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