Kompiliert aus dem legendären Big Book of Breasts und den Big-Breasts-Kalendern, präsentiert diese Neuauflage 180 der famosesten Busenstars der 1950er-, 60er- und 70er-Jahre. Ein segensreiches Vademecum für alle, denen Titten ein echtes Herzensanliegen sind.
- Shooting star of new painting: mix of humour, intuitive painting style and radically subjective perspective- New York critic, artist and curator Kenny is accompanying her art theoretically and curatorially- Hungarian-jewish family background, already better known to a younger generation
- Shooting star of new painting: mix of humour, intuitive painting style and radically subjective perspective- New York critic, artist and curator Kenny is accompanying her art theoretically and curatorially- Hungarian-jewish family background, already better known to a younger generation