Were early modern religious conflicts wars 'of religion', 'for religion', 'between religions', or 'about religion'? The ways in which war was waged and peace was agreed in the 'long sixteenth century' were strongly influenced by, had a deep connection with, and produced a lasting impact on, the religious divide of Latin Christianity in the wake of the Reformation. This collection of essays seeks to analyse historically these influences, connections, and impacts from multiple points of view.
Were early modern religious conflicts wars "of religion", "for religion", "between religions", or "about religion"?
The hilarious fox and bear double act from bestseller Chris Naylor-Ballesteros is back for a second adventure. Bert is CERTAIN he can ride his bike as well as Frank, but he is very wobbly!
This Book is for You...IF YOU seem to have lost control over your shot.IF YOUR fingers open too early, and You wonder why.IF YOU feel frustrated - because you know you can do better.IF YOU are ready for a new start.In practical steps which you can follow as you practise, Jes Lysgaard shows how to deprogram your old unconcious reflex which causes frustrating uncontrolled misses. And build a new, positive, replacement neural program with which you can regain control over your shot cycle and fresh enjoyment of your shooting.
Christusgläubige, Kirchen und Gemeinden der Gegenwart nehmen sich zunehmend in einer diasporalen Minderheitensituation wahr. Diese Selbstwahrnehmung kann auch als Einladung verstanden werden, sich intensiver mit der Lektüre des Ersten Petrusbriefes zu beschäftigen, der sich in der exegetischen Forschung der letzten 50 Jahre von einem Randthema zu einem Forschungsschwerpunkt entwickelt hat. Dieser Text kann in besonderer Weise dienlich sein, Selbstvergewisserung und Identitätsentwicklung derer zu befördern, die heute "in den Fußspuren Christi" (vgl. 1 Petr 2,21) zu gehen versuchen.
"In den Fußspuren Christi gehen lernen"