Behavioral economist Dan Ariely returns in this revised and expanded edition of the New York Times bestseller PREDICTABLY IRRATIONAL (first edition published in February 2008) to offer a much-needed take on the irrational decisions that led to our current economic crisis.
Eine neue Ganzschrift für Schülerinnen und Schüler im Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung: einfache Sprache, bildunterstützte Texte und altersgerechte Themen - so steigern Sie die Lesemotivation Ihrer Schüler und Schülerinnen!
Develop the skills needed to become a UK-qualified driving instructor by understanding the key information on training, exam preparation, driving tests and theory, and the ADI register.
Pack your suitcase for a magical adventure! Perfect for fans of The Train to Impossible Places and The Polar Bear Explorers' Club.
At the Strangeworlds Travel Agency, each suitcase transports you to a different world. All you have to do is step inside . . .