Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles.<br />From precious rediscoveries to gender-playful fictions, futurist fables to uncanny imaginings, here are stories by a new generation of Faber authors alongside Faber classics.<br />Faber 90th Stories brings together some of our finest short stories, past, present and future.
Mit außergewöhnlicher Fantasie und ohne viel Schnickschnack wurden Märchenwelten erschaffen, die damals Jung und Alt begeisterten und dies auch heute noch tun.
Nothing ever happens in World's End Close. So when Stevie discovers a runaway girl, Anna, the first thing she does is fetch her best friend, Ray. Yet Stevie and Ray soon realise they've taken on more than they bargained for. On the news, the Americans and Russians are arguing over missiles in Cuba and as the threat of war grows, Anna becomes more mysterious.