Dann salutierte Buffy allen Tieren und ging mit raschen Schritten hinaus in die Dunkelheit. Obwohl es so gefährlich war. "Die mutigste Maus, die ich kenne", sagte Gordon zu den anderen. "Und die beste Polizeichefin."
At the Synod of Dordrecht, the deep questions of justification and faith, election and rejection, time and eternity, grace and free will, the individual and the body of Christ, Israel and the church, the acquisition of salvation through Christ and its application by His Spirit, baptism and regeneration, and especially the precise relationship between these, were at stake. In this study lines are drawn to the historical, theological and political context during that period. Patristics, Middle Ages, metaphysical questions and the church polity of Dordt are discussed as well with some hermeneutical nowadays reflections.
Examining a landmark - the importance of the Synod of Dordrecht