'You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. But what you get here is a triumph. A brave take on paedophile rings and the minds, fast and slow, behind them... There are echoes of rebus, of Christopher Brookmyre, even of Carl Hiaasen... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again' Observer<br />Click if you want to change this and remove the content from feeds', '450', event );; " onmouseout="removeDiv('hoverBox');; " onclick="removeDiv('hoverBox');; toggleCopyApprovalClick('70959273');" border=0 src="width=16 height=1660<br /><br />You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. But what you get here is a triumph. A brave take on paedophile rings and the minds, fast and slow, behind them... There are echoes of rebus, of Christopher Brookmyre, even of Carl Hiaasen... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again<br /><br />Reviews<br /><br />Click if you want to change this and remove the content from feeds', '450', event );; " onmouseout="removeDiv('hoverBox');; " onclick="removeDiv('hoverBox');; toggleCopyApprovalClick('70959273');" border=0 src="width=16 height=1660<br /><br />You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. But what you get here is a triumph. A brave take on paedophile rings and the minds, fast and slow, behind them... There are echoes of rebus, of Christopher Brookmyre, even of Carl Hiaasen... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again
Abgestimmt auf den Rahmenlehrplan für den Ausbildungsberuf "Industriekaufmann/Industriekauffrau" und die bundesweit einheitliche Zwischen- und Abschlussprüfung.
<p>Das Werk umfasst alle Bestimmungen des HSchG samt Erläuterungen des Gesetzgebers sowie einer Kommentierung mit besonderem Blick auf die Praxis. Ein Autor:innenteam aus den Bereichen Gesellschafts-, Arbeits-, Zivil- und Strafrecht sowie Compliance ermöglicht ein breites Verständnis der Materie.</p>
In diesem großformatigen Sachbuch kann man dank zahlreicher Lasercut-Scherenschnitte und vieler Klappen die wunderbare Welt des Himmels erforschen - bis in die Weiten des Weltalls!