- 100th anniversay of Boris Lurie's birthday- An artist whose engagement with society is morerelevant than ever- Exhibition accompanying the Venice Biennale 2024
- 100th anniversay of Boris Lurie's birthday- An artist whose engagement with society is morerelevant than ever- Exhibition accompanying the Venice Biennale 2024
Der Comic zum Videogame-Hit voller finsterer Überraschungen! Die Bestsellerserie von Top-Autor Tom Taylor (DC-HORROR: DER ZOMBIE VIRUS), Bruno Redondo (NIGHTWING) und anderen in einer großartigen Deluxe Edition!
The top-of-the-class, extra special 22nd book from bestselling author and illustrator Liz Pichon. A feel-good, laugh-out-loud, packed-with-pictures Tom Gates story!
Batmans größte Widersacher!Ebenso berühmt wie der Dunkle Ritter von Gotham City sind seine schlimmsten Feinde,Catwoman, Two-Face und all die anderen! Diese neue Reihe um Batmans größte Widersacher widmet sich ganz diesen aus Comic, Film und Fernsehen bekannten Bösewichten in anspruchsvollen, intelligenten Graphic Novels! Den Anfang macht der Rätselkönig Riddler - in einer Story des preisgekrönten Bestseller-Autors Tom King und von Top-Künstler Mitch Gerads!
- Recent works from the last decade of Robert Longo's renowned career- Includes works made in response to global current events, and grounded in art history- Charcoal drawings reflecting on symbols of power and authority
- Recent works from the last decade of Robert Longo's renowned career- Includes works made in response to global current events, and grounded in art history- Charcoal drawings reflecting on symbols of power and authority