Mit außergewöhnlicher Fantasie und ohne viel Schnickschnack wurden Märchenwelten erschaffen, die damals Jung und Alt begeisterten und dies auch heute noch tun.
Ian has just been diagnosed with HIV. Victor, to his relief, has just tested negative. Henrique has been living with HIV for three years. Their worlds collide. A heart-breaking and heart-warming novel which unveils the common misconceptions and prejudices surrounding HIV in the twenty-first century, showing how far we've come while shining a light on just how far we have to go.
The Big Sleep: Marlowe and Vivian practising kissing; General Sternwood shivering in a hothouse full of orchids; a screenplay, co-written by Faulkner, famously mysterious and difficult to solve. Released in 1946, Howard Hawks' adaptation of Raymond Chandler reunited Bogart and Bacall and gave them two of their most famous roles.