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The Spirit in Romans 8

Marcin Kowalski, Adam Kubis,
+ 11 weitere
130,00 €
Marcin Kowalski discusses the notion of the S/spirit in Romans 8 within the context of popular concepts of pneuma present in Greco-Roman and Jewish literature. The Stoics perceived pneuma as a particle of life, responsible for cognition and ethical conduct, an element binding in one, the whole universe, shaping the offspring, and animating diviners. Correspondences to their views can be found in the Old Testament and the Jewish literature of the Second Temple period. By putting Paul into dialog with the Stoic and Jewish authors, the author shows both the indebtedness of the apostle to his cultural milieu as well as the originality of his idea of the Spirit. The Pauline understanding of S/spirit in Romans 8, as compared to the Stoic idea of pneuma
Verify in Field

Eric Höweler, J. Meejin Yoon,
+ 7 weitere
48,00 €
Theorie in der Praxis erproben: für das Bostoner Büro Höweler + Yoon ein zentrales Instrument im Entwurfsprozess, um die eigenen Ideen zu prüfen und zu perfektionieren
Nevin Aladag

Michael Buhrs, Helena Pereña,
+ 4 weitere
44,00 €
- Special cover design - The sound of public space - Sculpture in the expanded field - Special cover design - The sound of public space - Sculpture in the expanded field

Kevin Major, Christian Adam,
+ 1 weiterer
24,00 €
Im Oktober 1942 wird die Fähre Caribou auf dem Atlantik durch U 69 versenkt. Nur selten bekommt man einen derart mitreißenden Einblick in die menschlichen Empfindungen während und nach einer solchen Katastrophe. Kevin Major schafft es eindrucksvoll, aus diesem historischen Ereignis einen packenden Roman zu machen.
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