The chance of a century to end poverty-and how we can seize it. Africa does not need handouts, but positive impulses. It is therefore high time for a paradigm shift: now Europe must invest instead of help-especially since the low interest rates offer the opportunity to make a big difference with a modest investment.At the heart of the "Roadmap for a joint future" is an innovative concept for jointly mobilizing capital to build infrastructure. First and foremost, Africa needs a foundation on which investment, entrepreneurship and prosperity can flourish.This book demonstrates how Europe and Africa can prevent a mass exodus to the North, establish the social market economy and form a strong economic area-in the tradition of the historic Spice Route. In light of the climate crisis and geopolitical system competition, this is more important than ever-also for Europe. A bold vision? Yes. For now.
Hernán Cortés Landung in Mexiko vor 500 Jahren besiegelte das Ende des Reichs der Azteken. Mit spektakulären, teils unveröffentlichten Funden präsentiert der Band den Reichtum dieser Kultur: Seltene Federschilde, beeindruckende Steinskulpturen, wertvolle Mosaikmasken und Goldarbeiten sowie farbintensive Bilderhandschriften lassen die Welt der Azteken lebendig werden.