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Multivariate Verfahren

39,95 €
Gut nachvollziehbar und anwendungsorientiert werden folgende Verfahren behandelt und die praktische Umsetzung in SPSS bzw. AMOS beschrieben: Regressionsanalyse, Varianzanalyse, Diskriminanzanalyse, Faktorenanalyse, Clusteranalyse, logistische Regressionsanalyse, Analyse loglinearer Modelle, Zeitreihenanalyse, Analyse linearer Strukturgleichungsmodelle.
The Night Bus Hero

10,40 €
<b>From Onjali Q. Rauf, the award-winning and best-selling author of <i>The Boy at the Back of the Class</i>, comes another incredible story, told with humour and heart. Told from the perspective of a bully, this book explores themes of homelessness, while celebrating kindness, friendship and the potential <i>everyone</i> has to change for the good. </b>
When Mino Took the Bus

17,00 €
Turning eight weeks old is no ordinary feat when you are a chipmunk. It's time to say goodbye to mama and set out alone towards what lies ahead. When the day comes for little Mino to leave, he gives his mama a kiss and excitedly gets on a bus.<br />As the bus stops and a new passenger boards, Mino begins to meet new friend after new friend, each who show him something he never knew before.
Die römische Kaiservilla Pausilypon

119,00 €
The villa Pausilypon is situated on the Bay of Naples and represents one of the few examples of its kind, that can clearly be assigned to the Roman emperors for a period of at least one and a half centuries. For the first time since the earliest excavations in 1841, it was possible to link all available sources to a reliable plan of the site, which covers approximately 15 acres. Furthermore, a precise documentation of the building remains on the upper terrace was produced, which served as basis for studies regarding the design and construction process, architectural forms and phases of conversion.
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