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Dr. med Hiob Prätorius

19,99 €
Preisgekrönte Bühnenverfilmung mit Leinwandlegende Heinz Rühmann in der Hauptrolle! Menschenfreund Dr. med. Hiob Prätorius hilft einer schwangeren Patientin und gerät dabei in ein moralisches Dilemma.
Casting Type Calcifications: Sign of a Subtype with Deceptive Features

Laszlo Tabar, Tibor Tot,
+ 1 weiterer
69,99 €
This is a volume in a series of books written by the team of Tabar, Tot, and Dean describing breast cancer in its earliest phase according to the imaging findings and correlating these findings with sophisticated histopathologic images and patient outcome. This volume covers a particularly troublesome subtype of breast cancer characterized by casting type calcifications.
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