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Under Construction

Dominik Hierlemann, Stefan Roch,
+ 4 weitere
20,00 €
Four out of five European citizens want to have a bigger say in EU policymaking. Already now, they can participate in the European Union through elections, citizens' initiatives, consultations, petitions, dialogues, and the Ombudsman. But how well do these participation instruments work? Do citizens know about them? What is their impact on EU policymaking? This study examines seven EU participation instruments in depth. It finds that the EU offers a patchwork of participation instruments that work well in some respects but remain largely unknown and create little impact. To strengthen the voice of European citizens, the EU should move from its participation patchwork to a coherent participation infrastructure. Voting every five years is not enough. A democratically accountable and legitimate EU depends on the ongoing and effective participation of citizens.
Wie Romane entstehen

10,00 €
Vom Schreiben zwischen Kunst und Handwerk: Auf bisher einzigartige Weise beleuchten der Autor Hanns-Josef Ortheil und der Lektor Klaus Siblewski anhand von prominenten Beispielen und eigenen Erfahrungen alle Facetten des kreativen Prozesses: von der ersten poetischen Eingebung über den Entwurf von Schauplätzen und Figuren bis hin zu den Problemen der Bewältigung großer Stoffmenge und den Abschluss des Textes.
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