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The Gospel of Mark and Genre

120,00 €
The current volume utilizes the newest insights from current research on the New Testament to cast new light on the question of the genre of Mark's Gospel. The matter is complicated by the immense historical gap between the time of the genesis of the New Testament canon and now. Here, prominent international New Testament scholars discuss how we should understand the genre(s) of Mark's Gospel, thus making an important contribution to international scholarship on the Gospel of Mark as well as the Gospel genre in general. What is the genre of the earliest gospel narrative and which sub-genres does Mark use to spread his message?
Point of no Return

Paul Kaiser, Christoph Tannert,
+ 1 weiterer
45,00 €
Point of No Return präsentiert Arbeiten von ostdeutschen Künstlern aus drei Generationen, die in der DDR in unterschiedlichen Schulen, Milieus und Szenen wirkten. Mehr als 130 Werke aller Gattungen von über 100 Künstlern dokumentieren die bereits in den 1980erJahren auffallenden Risse in der Mauer und deren Gründe. Der Katalog ist gleichsam ein Lexikon und unternimmt eine Neudefinition künstlerischen Schaffens vor und nach 1989.
Philosophy and the Comic

129,95 €
De Gruyter Studies in Philosophy of Humor answers the needs of a burgeoning new field in philosophy. Edited by Lydia Amir, this unique series invites philosophers from various traditions to submit book-length manuscripts, including edited anthologies on humor, laughter, and the comic, and their roles (e.g., epistemological, ethical, aesthetic, political) within the history and practice of philosophy.
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