'You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. But what you get here is a triumph. A brave take on paedophile rings and the minds, fast and slow, behind them... There are echoes of rebus, of Christopher Brookmyre, even of Carl Hiaasen... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again' Observer<br />Click if you want to change this and remove the content from feeds', '450', event );; " onmouseout="removeDiv('hoverBox');; " onclick="removeDiv('hoverBox');; toggleCopyApprovalClick('70959273');" border=0 src="width=16 height=1660<br /><br />You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. But what you get here is a triumph. A brave take on paedophile rings and the minds, fast and slow, behind them... There are echoes of rebus, of Christopher Brookmyre, even of Carl Hiaasen... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again<br /><br />Reviews<br /><br />Click if you want to change this and remove the content from feeds', '450', event );; " onmouseout="removeDiv('hoverBox');; " onclick="removeDiv('hoverBox');; toggleCopyApprovalClick('70959273');" border=0 src="width=16 height=1660<br /><br />You never know what you're going to get with Irvine Welsh, other than guaranteed intelligence. But what you get here is a triumph. A brave take on paedophile rings and the minds, fast and slow, behind them... There are echoes of rebus, of Christopher Brookmyre, even of Carl Hiaasen... There's only one Welsh and you should be reading him again
Die Kreuzfahrt endet für die schöne Joey abrupt, als sie von ihrem Mann Chaz über Bord geworfen wird. Chaz glaubt, dass seine Frau etwas über seine krummen Deals mit dem skrupellosen Tycoon Red Hammernut weiß. Dummerweise hält sich Joey gekonnt über Wasser, bis sie von Mick Stranahan gerettet wird. Zusammen mit dem smarten Expolizisten startet Joey nun eine Racheaktion, die Chaz arg in Bedrängnis bringt...
Schreiend komisch, bissig, sexy und absolut spannend.