Launching a new trilogy in the Shades of Magic universe, an enchanting and thrilling epic fantasy from the international sensation, V. E. Schwab, perfect for fans of Samantha Shannon, Kerri Maniscalco, Leigh Bardugo and R. F. Kuang.
Spellbinding historical fiction from the bestselling author of <i>Amy Snow</i>. Perfect for fans of Lucinda Riley, Tracy Chevalier and Dinah Jefferies.
David Acheson transports us into the world of geometry, one of the oldest branches of mathematics. He describes its history, from ancient Greece to the present day, and its emphasis on proofs. With its elegant deduction and practical applications, he demonstrates how geometry offers the quickest route to the spirit of mathematics at its best.
Die neue Spielegeneration von Pokémon ist da! Passend dazu wartet auch ein neues großes Mitmachbuch auf dich. Das Buch ist vollgepackt mit spannenden Geschichten zur TV-Serie, lustigen Zahlen und Fakten und jeder Menge Quiz und Rätsel. Also: Worauf wartest du noch? Schnapp dir dieses Buch und werde zum ultimativen Pokémon-Trainer!
A Transylvanian nobleman called Count Dracula arrives at Baker Street seeking the help of Sherlock Holmes, for his beloved wife Mina has been kidnapped. But Dracula is a client like no other and Sherlock and Watson must confront despite the wild, unbelievable notion the existence of vampires. And before long, Sherlock, Watson and their new vampire allies must soon work together to banish a powerful enemy growing in the shadows.
Written from the cutting edge of research into bird migration, <i>A World on the Wing </i>is a landmark work of nature writing that will delight fans of Isabella Tree, Robert Macfarlane and Adam Nicolson.
Wie kein anderer verstand es Turlough O'Carolan (1670-1738) die alte irische Musik mit der damals in den vornehmen Kreisen gern gehörten italienischen Barockmusik zu verbinden. Die barocken Einflüsse in seiner Harfenmusik wurden dann zu seinem unverkennbarem Markenzeichen. Damit schuf er sozusagen ein ganz eigenes Genre: die Celtic Classics.Besetzung:flute or violin (fiddle) and piano; guitar ad libitum