Noir par son réalisme, teinté du rouge de la passion et du crime, Le Rouge et le Noir est le récit d'une ascension et d'une chute : celles de Julien Sorel, fils de charpentier, prêt à tout pour se faire admettre dans les salons dorés de l'aristocratie parisienne. Son talent, sa ruse et son pouvoir de séduction suffiront-ils à l'arracher à sa condition?
Chef-d'oeuvre du roman d'analyse psychologique, chronique de la France sous la Restauration, première fiction mettant en scène la lutte des classes et la violence des déterminismes sociaux, Le Rouge et le Noir, paru en 1830, est le plus célèbre des romans de Stendhal. Cruel et ironique, il a captivé des générations de lecteurs, de Balzac à Julien Gracq, en passant par Zola et Aragon.
Philosophy is the attempt to answer particular questions using transparent and convincing argument. Fundamental philosophical questions are questions about our understanding of the world in general and our place in it. As a matter of principle, these questions can only be answered through controversy. The series Basic Topics in Philosophy aims to provide a space for the discussion of such fundamental philosophical questions. Instead of providing a comprehensive introductory presentation, each volume will take issue with selected historical positions in order to analyse the particular problem and discuss possible solutions. At the same time, the authors will set their own marks and take up positions, so that the result will not be merely a view of the history of philosophy, but also a systematic contribution to the problem under discussion. The volumes in the series are intended equally for students of philosophy and other subjects and for professional philosophers. In addition, the series is aimed at all those readers with an interest in fundamental questions of philosophy.
Albania's Prime Minister as an artist First extensive monograph With a conversation between Hans-Ulrich Obrist and the artist Albania's Prime Minister as an artist First extensive monograph With a conversation between Hans-Ulrich Obrist and the artist