Starting from the child, situationally developed music, movement and speech games to treat disturbed sensory and body perception, lead the child with autism out of its socio-emotional isolation.<br />The music therapy approach is described and illustrated by means of an enclosed DVD. Patients who have not developed joint attention can especially benefit from music therapy. The ability for expression and communication, but above all the experience that affects can be regulated, change the symptomatic. Elemental music is always connected to the body and enables the experience of interpersonal relationships with the help of elemental instruments.
The award-winning author of Europe Central and Rising Up and Rising Down meditates on the diversity of poverty in a series of vignettes through which he shares interviews with impoverished people from around the world who draw on a range of belief systems to account for their financial disadvantages.
Mit der steigenden Zahl muslimischer Patient*innen in der psychosozialen Beratung wächst auch die Verantwortung mit Blick auf eine stärker islamintegrierte Orientierung in der beruflichen Praxis. So entwickelt der Sammelband - als einer der ersten dieser Art - Perspektiven und Konzepte für eine religionssensiblere Behandlung und schafft Grundlagen für eine bessere Behandlung.