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The Story Behind... Vol. 3

Thomas Steinberg, Stephan Fennel,
+ 1 weiterer
22,00 €
Aus welcher Zeit auch immer die eigenen, ganz persönlichen Weihnachtshits stammen, eines ist sicher: Die in diesem Buch vorgestellten Titel versprühen eine positive Grundstimmung, helfen, eine festliche Atmosphäre zu erzeugen und bringen tatsächlich ein warmes Licht in eine ansonsten eher dunkle Zeit.
The Sage in Relation

114,95 €
<p>The series <em>Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies</em> (DCLS)is concerned principally with research into those books of the Greek Bible (Septuagint) which are not contained in the Hebrew canon, and into intertestamentary and early Jewish literature from the period around the 3rd century BCE to the 2nd century CE. The series was launched in 2007 in collaboration with the "International Society for the Study of Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature". It provides a logical extension to the <em>Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Yearbook</em>, which has been published since 2004.</p>
The Story of the Missing Sister

19,60 €
Taking in the vineyards of New Zealand and the majestic landscape of Ireland, The Story of the Missing Sister is the seventh instalment in Lucinda Riley's multimillion-selling epic series, The Seven Sisters, but it's not the last . . .
Ultrasonic Energy for Cutting, Coagulating and Dissecting

180,99 €
As technological advances continue to make surgical procedures more effective and efficient than ever, physicians are faced with the constant challenge of keeping abreast of the latest techniques and equipment. In Ultrasonic Energy for Cutting, Coagulating and Dissecting, an experienced team of surgeons offers a comprehensive guide to a large array of procedures that can be performed with new tools that use ultrasonic energy to cut and dissect issues. The system described here Ultra-Cision-uses a hand piece that transforms electrical energy into mechanical movement, which causes the scalpel blade to vibrate at approximately 55 KHz per second. This movement in turn causes the proteins at the instrument tip to denature a sticky coagulum is formed, resulting in clean dissection and coagulation with little or no bleeding, which makes this type of surgery particularly effective for procedures in the parenchymatous organs. Used in operating rooms world wide in both laparoscopic and open surgical procedures, the surgical techniques described here enable the surgeon to target difficult-to-reach spaces, such as those that are close to vital organs. Ultra Cisionoffers the surgeon increased visibility and lessens the risk of damage to tissues and blood vessels.
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