Das bewegende Portrait der einzigartigen Persönlichkeit Yves Saint Laurant führt mitten hinein in die brodelnde und inspirierende Welt der Mode der 60er- und 7er-Jahre.
Was morgens mit Problemen bei der Zubereitung des Frühstückseis beginnt, endet auch am Abend, wenn die Auffassungen darüber divergieren, wie man den Feierabend verbringen...
Die Genogrammarbeit für die psychiatrische Behandlung nutzbar machen
Philosophie und Praxis der Genogrammarbeit
Vom Nutzen und Hintergrund der Genogrammarbeit in der Psychiatrie
In the midst of a global pandemic, the Frankfurt POLY (Polycentricity and Plurality of Premodern Christianities) Lectures on "Pathways through Early Modern Christianities" brought together a virtual, global community of scholars and students in the Spring and Summer of 2021 to discuss the fascinating nature of early modern religious life. In this book, twelve scholars from the "four corners" of the early modern world reflect on the analytical tools that structure their field and that they have developed, revised and embraced in their scholarship: from generations to tolerance, from uniformity to publicity, from accommodation to local religion, from polycentrism to connected histories, and from identity to object agency. Together, the chapters of this reference work help both students and advanced researchers alike to appreciate the extent of our current knowledge about early modern christianities in their interconnected global context-and what exciting new travels could lie ahead.
A new guide to scholarship on early modern religion across the globe