Was morgens mit Problemen bei der Zubereitung des Frühstückseis beginnt, endet auch am Abend, wenn die Auffassungen darüber divergieren, wie man den Feierabend verbringen...
Most of Suriname's land area is covered with tropical rainforest and a <i>must-visit</i> for birdwatchers. In this revised edition of the <i>Field Guide to the Birds of Suriname</i>, all 751 species known to occur in the country are described and depicted in color.
Everyone is susceptible to fake news. There are polarising narratives in society, conspiracy theories are rife, and accuracy is often lost in favour of sensationalist headlines. Here Dr Sander van der Linden takes us through the common traits of conspiratorial thinking and describes how to inoculate oneself against the spread of misinformation and push back against methods of mass persuasion.