Koreanische Lesetexte - Niveau A2 - inkl. Audio-Dateien zum DownloadAbout This Book***Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level!***Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary!***Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills!***Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!
Koreanische Lesetexte - Niveau B2 - inkl. Audio-Dateien zum Download Easy and fun reading of classic Korean tales adapted into modern Korean by level! Vocabulary words and expressions for reading comprehension allow easy reading without a dictionary! Use vivid recordings by professional Korean voice actors to improve your listening skills! Improve your Korean vocabulary skills and check the content you read using comprehension questions!The "Darakwon Korean Readers" series is comprised of books that recompose classic Korean literary works to match the reading levels of students from beginner to advanced levels (A1~C2) so students can easily increase their Korean reading comprehension skills in a fun way.
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