Das erste und einzige Standardwerk zur Geburtsvorbereitung für Väter - von der Bestsellerautorin und ihrem Mann
Das erste und einzige Standardwerk zur Geburtsvorbereitung für Väter - von der Bestsellerautorin und ihrem Mann
This volume offers numerous practical suggestions on how the group can be used as a helpful and supportive medium in therapeutic and educational work, e.g. in parent-infant/toddler groups, parent/caregiver groups, groups with children or adolescents, and in preventive group work in schools. The contributions provide insights into the diversity and complexity of conceptual, group analytic work and show how it can be successfully implemented in outpatient settings, clinics, youth services, counseling centers, or schools. The combination of basic and applied knowledge makes this anthology an indispensable reference for any practitioner.
Don't be afraid of group work! Suggestions for group analytic work with children and adolescents