Success in science depends nowadays on effective communication in English. This workbook is specifically designed to give under- and post-graduates confidence in writing scientific English. Examples and exercises show how to avoid common errors and how to rephrase and improve scientific texts. The generation of a model manuscript enables the reader to recognise how scientific English is constructed and how to follow the conventions of scientific writing. Guidelines for structuring written work and vocabulary lists will encourage young scientists to develop a concise and mature style.
The workbook is accessible to students of many fields, including those of the natural and technical sciences, medicine, psychology and economics.
<p>England im 10. Jahrhundert. Bei der Stadt Maldon trifft ein Wikingerheer auf die Verteidiger von Essex. Hiervon erzählt ein altenglisches Gedicht, das kurz nach der Schlacht entstand. Es inspirierte J.R.R. Tolkien zu einem eigenen Versdrama: <i>Die Heimkehr von Beorhtnoth Beorhthelms Sohn</i>.</p>
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