Das dritte Bilderbuch Abenteuer mit dem Waschbären Henry! Weitsprungwettbewerb im Wald! Dafür gibt Henry alles. Er will nämlich unbedingt gewinnen! Henry trainiert wie ein Weltmeister. Dann kommt der große Tag. Ob sich die Anstrengung am Ende gelohnt hat?
For centuries it has been discussed whether systematic theology is a scientific discipline. But it is not obvious what is meant by either "systematic theology" or "scientific discipline". This work presents an understanding of systematic theology as a tripartite discipline and science as a rationally justified public discourse about a given topic. As such, the book shows that systematic theology is a scientifically strong discourse that meets accepted criteria to the same degree as other disciplines.
Systematic theology is as scientific in its aim, scope, and methods as other disciplines within the academia.