The series publishes monographs and edited volumes that showcase significant scholarly work at the various intersections that currently motivate interdisciplinary inquiry in German cultural studies. Topics span all periods of German and German-speaking lands and cultures from the local to the global, with a special focus on demonstrating how various disciplines - history, musicology, art history, anthropology, religious studies, media studies, political theory, literary and cultural studies, among others - and new theoretical and methodological paradigms work across disciplinary boundaries to create knowledge and add to critical understanding in German studies broadly. All works are in English. Three to four new titles will be published annually.
Von sanfter Zärtlichkeit über verspielte Erotik bis zu wildem, ausdauerndem Sex ist hier alles dabei! Laura lebt ihren Voyeurismus voll aus und liebt es zu lieben.
Der amerikanische Journalist Eddy Green recherchiert gerade für eine Reportage über das Leben und die Liebeskunst im Hamburger Eros-Center, als dort die hübsche Biggy ermordet wird. ..