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Arbeitswelt Hotellerie

Hartwig Bohne, Hartwig Bohne,
+ 42 weitere
49,95 €
Für die Gewinnung, Bindung und Weiterentwicklung von Nachwuchs- und Fachkräften in der Hotellerie ist mehr denn je die leidenschaftliche Kraftanstrengung aller Betriebe und Branchenverbände gefragt. Es geht dabei um gute Führung, verlässliche Konditionen und ein zeitgemäßes Arbeitsumfeld, aber auch um wirtschaftliche Sicherheit, Karrieremöglichkeiten, Respekt und Anerkennung. Fast 30 unterschiedliche Hotels und Akteure stellen Ihnen in diesem inspirierenden Band erstmals ihre erfolgserprobten Instrumente vor - dabei im Fokus: Ein einzigartiger Branchenratgeber, der Sie mit vielen Ideen und Umsetzungstipps dabei unterstützt, Fach- und Führungskräfte nachhaltig für die Hotellerie zu begeistern.

40,00 €
- New reference work for the latest developments in time-based media art- How video games are is transforming the art world- Deep dive into the aesthetics and the technologies of video games - New reference work for the latest developments in time-based media art- How video games are is transforming the art world- Deep dive into the aesthetics and the technologies of video games

40,00 €
- Neues Standardwerk zu zeitbasierter Medienkunst- Wie das Format Computerspiel die Kunstproduktion beeinflusst- 3D, VR, Avatare und digitale Welten in der Kunst - Neues Standardwerk zu zeitbasierter Medienkunst- Wie das Format Computerspiel die Kunstproduktion beeinflusst- 3D, VR, Avatare und digitale Welten in der Kunst

24,80 €
This new, thoroughly updated tenth edition of Bradts Mauritius, Rodrigues and Réunion remains the most comprehensive English-language guide available and is the only full-blown guide to focus solely on the Mascarene Islands, a place where the dodo once roamed and which today produces exquisite vanilla-flavoured tea. World-leading luxury resorts, excellent beaches, watersports and lively nightlife, weddings and medical tourism, the raw unspoiled beauty of Rodrigues and fascinating birdlife of the Ile aux Cocos nature reserve, world-class hiking through the mountainous interior of Re union and an intriguing blend of European and African culture are all covered.Unlike other guides, Bradts Mauritius includes detailed sections on natural history and conservation for each of the islands, as well as guides to and maps of their nature reserves. The Bradt guide also offers more detailed background information on history, culture and politics, plus fuller information on activities and sights, as well as in-depth coverage of the full range of accommodation and restaurant options, from budget to luxury.Activities for each island are included, covering everything from golf and horse riding to expert analysis of individual dive sites, plus extensive information on flora and fauna. Adventure sports and hiking on Réunion are covered, as is the most recent information on getting married in Mauritius, plus detailed coverage of Mascarene culture. Food, local recipes, language, customs, music and medical tourism are all included, and a language appendix offers useful phrases in Mauritian and Réunionnais Creole. Whether youre planning a honeymoon, fascinated by the wildlife, or just want to relax into uncomplicated island life, the Bradt guide is the ideal companion.