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14,00 €
Kryszinski in der Sahara - ein abgefahrenes Roadmovie, ausgezeichnet mit dem Glauser-Preis 2022 als »bester Kriminalroman des Jahres« Kristof Kryszinski tourt mit einem umgebauten Militär-Lkw und Hund Bella durch die Sahara und sucht Vermisste, entdeckt aber meist Tote. Das ändert sich, als er die somalische Migrantin Jamilah findet. Leider handelt es sich bei ihr um eine ausgemachte Nervensäge, und neben Designershirts hat sie vor allem tödliche Schwierigkeiten im Gepäck.
On the Trail of the Indo-Europeans: From Neolithic Steppe Nomads to Early Civilisations

20,00 €
For more than 3000 years, Indo-European languages have been spoken from India through Persia and into Europe. Where are the origins of this language family? How and when did its different linguistic branches emerge? The renowned historical linguist Harald Haarmann provides a graphic account of what we know today about the origins of Indo-European languages and cultures and how they came to be so widely disseminated. In this impressive study, he succeeds in drawing connections between linguistic findings, archaeological discoveries and the latest research into human genetics and climate history. In addition to linguistic affinities, he shows the economic, social and religious concepts that the early speakers of Indo-European languages had in common all the way from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Indus. Particular attention is devoted to the processes of assimilation with pre-Indo-European languages and civilisations. The result is a fascinating panorama of early "Indo-European globalisation" from the end of the last ice age to the early civilisations in Greece, Italy, Asia Minor, Persia and India.