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Queen Elizabeth II

32,60 €
A full, detailed and global portrait of a life lived in service.
Queer City

17,00 €
Peter Ackroyd looks at London in a whole new way - through the history and experiences of its gay population.
The Queen

17,00 €
<p>The magisterial life of the woman whose family's personal intrigues, romances and political rivalries have shaped much of post-war British history. </p> <p>The magisterial life of the woman whose family's personal intrigues, romances and political rivalries have shaped much of post-war British history. </p>

18,00 €
Als Frau auf Dating-Portalen, da kannste was erleben! Iris Kloos weiß es, denn sie war da. Und sie nimmt kein Blatt vor den Mund, denn sie hat alles erlebt: Trennung, Scheidung, neue Hoffnung, Online-Suche, viele Kontakte, Lügen, Fake News, Enttäuschungen, absurdes Männer-Verhalten. Zum Verzweifeln!
Queen of Our Times

14,30 €
Based on exclusive research and expert analysis, this insightful biography of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II delivers the full story of our greatest and best-loved monarch.
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