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Let's Swing, Mr. Diabelli!

19,50 €
The success story of Diabelli's 'Melodic Exercises' Op. 149 for piano duet has lasted now for almost 200 years. They are beautiful melodies covering a range of only five tones, perfectly suitable for beginners, with refined and brilliantly designed accompanying settings in the Secondo part. To this day, the pieces are very popular among pupils, teachers and music lovers. Hopefully, Mr Diabelli would not mind some of his wonderful five-tone melodies being transported into the world of swing, samba and other forms of expression, as has been done in this volume. Apart from some arranged melodies from Opus 149, this volume also contains a few newly arranged pieces, all of them inspired by Diabelli's idea to make music with five fingers as varied as possible. New inspiration for piano lessons and four-handed piano playing!Besetzung:piano (4 hands)
Klassik meets Jazz, for piano. Vol.1

25,00 €
This volume contains a wide selection of famous musical themes from Bach to Carl Orff. Each piece is followed with a jazz interpretation, which can either be played alone or alongside the 'original' version. Perhaps this will show that the 'classics' are not all that far removed from jazz. Doesn't Lully's 'Gavotte', for instance, contain one of the most famous jazz themes ever? The theme from Mozart's Sonata in A major doesn't require many rhythmic changes to give it a blues flavour. The driving rhythm of the ostinato bass in Carl Orff's 'O Fortuna' would suit modern jazz-rock performers well, with a few small changes. What do Bizet's 'Habanera', Brahms' 'Hungarian Dance No. 5' and Paganini's 'Caprice No. 24' have in common? Why have they been turned into salsa music? Much of this is up to the individual: if you want to discover similarities, they are easy to find. Instrumentation: piano
Handbuch Marken- und Designrecht

118,00 €
Das Marken- und Designrecht hat sich längst zu einem industriepolitischen Instrumentarium von überragender Bedeutung entwickelt. Ob Etablierung, Pflege, Durchsetzung und Verteidigung von Marken oder auch grundlegende Bewertungs- und Führungsfragen: Markenstrategie ist "Chefsache" und ein kritischer Erfolgsfaktor in jedem Unternehmen. Eine Gesamtschau des nationalen und supranationalen Marken- und Designrechts, einschließlich des bedeutenden Rechts der Kennzeichen im Internet, bietet Ihnen dieses bewährte Handbuch. Die 4. Auflage greift wichtige ergangene Neuregelungen wie die Unionsmarkenverordnung oder das Markenrechtsmodernisierungsgesetz ebenso auf wie die jüngsten, mit immateriellen Vermögenswerten verbundenen steuerrechtlichen Implikationen.