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Theory and Practice of Polish Language Teaching

55,00 €
The research provides a new look at the process of acquiring and/or teaching/learning Polish from the following aspects: the peculiarities of Ukrainian speakers learning Polish; problems of acquiring Polish by students from Japan, China, France and Lebanon, methods of developing language skills and activities, and specific phenomena in teaching Polish as a business language. Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed analyses, as well as experimental corpora, allow the results described to be considered important for the developing discipline. Dissemination of research conducted in the didactics of Polish as a foreign language
Praxishandbuch FlexCo | FlexKapG

Simina Alexandrescu, Matija Bernat,
+ 23 weitere
59,00 €
<p>Das Praxishandbuch stellt die FlexCo umfassend für Juristen, Gründerinnen, Investoren, FlexCo-Gesellschafterinnen und -Geschäftsführer dar. Enthalten sind nicht nur das Gesellschaftsrecht der FlexCo, sondern auch alle für die FlexCo relevanten steuerlichen und arbeitsrechtlichen Bestimmungen.</p>
Milch neu denken

48,00 €
<p><strong>Tierische Milch auf Rezept statt mit der Gießkanne für alle</strong></p><p>Roman Werner formuliert mit akademischer Vor- und ethischer Umsicht sein Argument für den weitestgehenden Verzicht auf Milchprodukte: Systematisch erzeugtes Tierleid und deutliche Umweltzerstörung sind durch menschliche Ernährungsgewohnheiten und Geschmacksvorlieben nicht zu rechtfertigen.</p>
The Creed of Nicaea (325)

55,00 €
This volume, the outcome of the first international conference held in Istanbul in December 2022 and promoted by the Fondazione per le scienze religiose, delves deeply into the Council's historical significance, particularly its role in shaping the Nicene Creed. The different contributions meticulously examine the Creed's development and its crucial role in defining Christian doctrine. Fresh perspectives are applied to understudied aspects of the Creed, such as its reception in different regions or its influence on theological debates. By charting new paths for future research, this volume promises to be a valuable resource for scholars and anyone interested in the enduring legacy of the Council of Nicaea and its creed. Proceedings of the first international conference on the council of Nicaea and its creed
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