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The Terranauts

13,00 €
Eight people take part in an ecological experiment in 1990s Arizona. Inspired by real events, The Terranauts places human behaviour under the microscope to spellbinding effect
Guardians of the Galaxy Anthologie

Brian Michael Bendis, Steve McNiven,
+ 27 weitere
35,00 €
Als Science-Fiction-Bestseller-Autor Dan Abnett und seine kreativen Mitstreiter in den Marvel-Comics 2008 Star-Lord, Rocket Racoon, Groot, Mantis, Gamora und andere erstmals als kosmisches Heldenteam versammelten, begann der Siegeszug der Guardians of the Galaxy. Diese Anthologie zeigt, wie sich das Team der Weltraumwächter im Comic binnen weniger Jahre viele Male veränderte, und welche Kreativen, Storys oder Events es prägten. Gerade Fans der Filmreihe, die 2023 mit einem dritten Teil von Regisseur James Gunn fortgesetzt wird, dürften von einigen Entwicklungen überrascht sein. Comics von absoluten Superstars, Intros zu allen Geschichten und Artikel zum Kosmos der Guardians lassen alle Fans voll in den Marvel-Weltraum eintauchen.
Where's the Elf?

9,10 €
<b>Santa's elves are hard at work. Aren't they? With just days to go before Christmas, ten of the naughty elves have gone missing. The workshop is in chaos, and there are still presents to make. Santa must launch a worldwide search to find his pesky elves and save Christmas before it's too late. Can you help find the ten elves, and Santa Claus himself, on each of the fun, action-packed pages?</b> Santa's elves are hard at work. Aren't they? With just days to go before Christmas, ten of the naughty elves have gone missing. The workshop is in chaos, and there are still presents to make. Santa must launch a worldwide search to find his pesky elves and save Christmas before it's too late.
The Governance of Style

70,00 €
What is/was a public building? This volume seeks to define and locate public buildings as architectural expressions in a protracted period of transition between feudal and modern constitutional social orders in Central Europe. What is a public building?
All You Need to Know About the Music Business

43,10 €
<b>Dubbed "the industry bible" by the <i>Los Angeles Times</i>, <i>All You Need to Know About the Music Business</i> by veteran music lawyer Donald Passman is the go-to guide for everyone in the music business through ten editions, over 30 years, and over half a million copies sold. Now with updates explaining why musicians have more power today than ever in history; discussion of the mega-million dollar sales of artists' songs and record catalogs; how artist access to streaming media, and particularly TikTok, has completely reshaped the music business; the latest on music created by AI; and a full update of the latest numbers and trends.</b>
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