Die 365 Fragen des Fragenfächers unterstützen Psychotherapeuten, Berater und Coaches bei der lösungsorientierten Gesprächsführung. Der Fächer dient als Hilfsmittel, um ein Gespür für die Fragetechniken und den Aufbau der Gespräche zu bekommen. Ziel ist es, die Fähigkeit von Klienten, selbst Lösungen für ihre Probleme zu finden, zu aktivieren.
-One of the great artists, who were ahead of their time-Rebellion against social and political conventions-Unconventional view of the work
-One of the great artists, who were ahead of their time-Rebellion against social and political conventions-Unconventional view of the work
<p>The <em>Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon </em> is one of the best known, most comprehensive and most reliable reference works on German literature. The scope of the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is simply unrivalled: Spanning the ages, the work encompasses writers from all eras, ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day. The work presents writers from the Federal Republic of Germany, the former German Democratic Republic, Switzerland and Austria, as well as German-language writers from other European countries. </p> <p>Articles contain full name, dates of birth and death and a short biography. The bibliographical section provides details on writings, translations, editorial activities, editions, letters, estate, compilations, bibliographies, research reports and academic studies, general portraits and appreciations as well as on secondary literature focussing on individual works.</p>
Was Asterix für die römischen Eroberungen in Frankreich ist, das ist Gilles der Gauner für den Achtzigjährigen Krieg. Zum ersten Mal erscheinen die amüsant-komischen Abenteuer des Wegelagerers Gilles nun vollständig auf Deutsch in einer dreibändigen Hardcoverausgabe.