Der Übergang von der Berufstätigkeit in den Ruhestand ist oft gar nicht so einfach wie gedacht. Dieser Lebenskurs des Gnadauer Verbands holt Menschen ab, die kurz vor dem Ruhestand stehen oder sich bereits mittendrin befinden, nimmt sie an die Hand und ermutigt, den Herbst des Lebens in vollen Zügen zu genießen.
Filled with more Easter fun than a giant chocolate egg, this cracking new book is guaranteed to keep kids entertained during the holiday season.
Filled with more Easter fun than a giant chocolate egg, this cracking new book is guaranteed to keep kids entertained during the holiday season.
From the sun-soaked, vibrant Juderia of Rhodes to the horrors of the Nazi camps, Stella Levi's life - told to the author over a series of Saturdays - is a joyful and devastating story of extraordinary resilience
The thrilling second book about Maggie Blue and Hoagy, as they try and live a normal life in the real world - but the Dark World won't let them go, and when a white crow appears they become drawn back into the mystery and terror of a world where Maggie is more important than she knows ...
The sequel to MAGGIE BLUE AND THE DARK WORLD finds Maggie trying to forget all about the her terrifying experience when saving her friend, Ida. But the Dark World can't, and won't, let her go - and she and cat Hoagy finds themselves drawn there yet again in the second thrilling story in this Costa-shortlisted series.
Confessional Lutheran, ecumenical, and international authors contributed to this anthology on Word and Sacrament, in honor of Hans-Jörg Voigt, president of the International Lutheran Council.
Der ultimative Spider-Man steht zwischen den Fronten eines üblen Bandenkriegs, an dem neben Moon Knight und Daredevil noch weitere Helden mit rabiaten Methoden und schnellen Fäusten interessiert sind. Außerdem fordert auch dieser Krieg seine Opfer ...
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