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Bauwerke und Konstruktionen

17,99 €
Türme, Mauern, Brücken - mit diesen editierbaren Materialien rund um das Thema Bauen und Konstruieren bringen Sie Wissen und Spaß in Ihren Unterricht!
Verhaltensexperimente, m. 1 Online-Zugang

24,95 €
Verhaltensexperimente sind eine wirkungsvollsten Interventionsmethoden in der kognitiven Therapie. Der Band liefert einen praxisorientierten Leitfaden zur Planung und Durchführung von Verhaltensexperimenten und schließt damit eine Lücke im deutschsprachigen Raum.
The Red Parts

13,60 €
The Red Parts is Maggie Nelson's singular account of her aunt Jane's death, and the trial that took place some 35 years afterward. Officially unsolved for decades, the case was reopened in 2004 after a DNA match identified a new suspect, who would soon be arrested and tried. In 2005, Nelson found herself attending the trial, and reflecting with fresh urgency on our relentless obsession with violence, particularly against women.<br /> Resurrecting her interior world during the trial - in all its horror, grief, obsession, recklessness, scepticism and downright confusion - Maggie Nelson has produced a work of profound integrity and, in its subtle indeterminacy, deadly moral precision.
Baby-sitters Little Sister 15: Karen's In Love

6,90 €
At first, Karen and Ricky were enemies. But now they like each other. They are even going to get married. Only now Karen and Ricky are in a big fight! First Karen puts gum in Ricky’s desk. Then Ricky calls Karen Four-eyes. Will Karen and Ricky make up . . . or break up?
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