Includes full-size templates for 20 characterful toys.
A collection of designs and instructions for 20 cute and cuddly punch needle toys. They are part toy, part cushion, due to the simple outline shapes. Punch needle is a cross between weaving and embroidery and lends itself to really impactful designs but is still simple and fun to do.
Sashiko sewing continues to be a popular search term on social media, helped by the popularity of visible mending.
A collection of 365 different sashiko patterns to sew from sashiko sewing expert, Susan Briscoe. Sew all 365 to make a beautiful sashiko sampler quilt featuring all the designs.
Needlepoint is enjoying a revival as part of the slow-stitch movement and "grandmillenial" style.
The essential guide to needlepoint for beginners and experts alike, with over 100 stitches and techniques demonstrated with photos and diagrams. Alongside the stitch directory, you'll find all the information on materials, equipment and stitching techniques and 10 easy and accessible projects with full-colour charts.
Dieser Leitfaden hilft Projektverantwortlichen vertraglich sicher mit Vergütungs- und Nachtragsregelungen, Ausführungsfristen und Vertragsstrafen umzugehen. Er zeigt, wie mit Behinderungsanzeigen, Bauablaufstörungen und bauvertraglichen Erfüllungs- und Mängelansprüchen korrekt verfahren wird. Ein übersichtliches Layout, zahlreiche Praxishinweise, der Text der aktuellen VOB/B und Auszüge aus dem BGB machen dieses Handbuch hilfreich für Projektsteuerer, Architekten, Ingenieure sowie Bauherren und Investoren.
A fresh new guide to palette knife painting for today's painting enthusiasts, featuring step-by-step tutorials for colour mixing, mark making, and a variety of painting techniques to create your own unique abstract, landscape, and floral paintings..