In the golden age of ocean liners, between the late nineteenth century and the Second World War, shipping companies ensured their vessels were a home away from home. This book leads the reader through each of the stages and secrets of ocean liner travel, from booking a ticket and choosing a cabin to shore excursions and disembarking on arrival.
- Idea of a community of shared values - Surprising opinions on Europe - Unexpected images of Europe
- Idea of a community of shared values - Surprising opinions on Europe - Unexpected images of Europe
Suzys third adventure to the Impossible Places is quickly plunged into mayhem as a mysterious overdue book begins sucking the knowledge from the entire Ivory Tower library. With the heat on to save all the information from disappearing, Suzy and Wilmot must venture through a void storm, and dive down into the depths of a secret underwater city housed in a gigantic snail shell to return the book
Wolfgang Jantzen entwickelt in seinen Essays eine neue und eigenständige Herangehensweise an Fragen von Anthropologie und Ethik. Dabei greift er sowohl auf die methodologischen Überlegungen L.S. Vygotskijs und A.N. Leont'evs zurück als auch auf die marxistisch-spinozanische Analyse des Ideellen durch E.V. Il'enkov.