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<strong>Türen auf im Hexenhotel</strong><br>
<p>Ein Hexen-Fünf-Sterne-Erlebnishotel mitten in der Menschenwelt, das unbedingt geheim bleiben muss. Bis plötzlich ein Menschenmädchen vor der Tür steht...</p>
This collection presents a selection of Robert Schumann's works that will delight every pianist. In addition to popular original character pieces, the volume also contains arrangements of his symphonies, chamber music works and lieder. All pieces are of easy to intermediate difficulty and include fingerings and metronome suggestions. The reader-friendly typography is suitable not only for lessons but also for all amateur pianists.Besetzung:piano
Die Wohnhäuser von Dom Hans van der Laan, einer faszinierenden Kultfigur der europäischen Nachkriegsarchitektur, in Schemen, Plänen, Fotografien, Konstruktionsprinzipien und Details eingehend vorgestellt.
This dissertation contributes to the study of English as a lingua franca in business negotiations with focus on the pragmatic functions of conditionals. Is there a regularity to the use of conditionals? What functions do different forms of conditionals have in lingua franca English business negotiation? The author uses business encounters recorded at an international music trade fair as her data. She applies a corpus analysis and a qualitative-interpretative approach and shows that different conditionals are used to indicate different degrees of commitment.
Der Theologenstreit um die reine Liebe zog am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts ganz Europa in seinen Bann. Im Mittelpunkt standen die beiden Schriftsteller und Bischöfe François Fénelon und Jacques B. Bossuet.<br />Historisch ging Fénelon als Verlierer, moralisch aber als Sieger aus dem Streit hervor.
AN OPRAH'S BOOK CLUB SELECTION - An Instant New York Times Bestseller - Shortlisted for the 2021 Booker Prize - Longlisted for the 2021 National Book Award for Fiction - Longlisted for the 2022 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction. A heartrending new novel from the Pulitzer Prize-winning and #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Overstory.