It's not easy to fit in when you're the boy in the suit... Ten-year-old Solo - embarrassingly, that isn't short for anything - just wants to be normal. He wants a name that doesn't stand out. He wishes he had a proper school uniform that fitted him. He dreams about a mum who doesn't get the Big Bad Reds, like his mum Morag. But most of all he longs to stop crashing funerals for the free food.
Skye McAlpine, author of the successful blog From My Dining Table, offers an insider's perspective on Venetian home cooking, illustrated with her stunning photographs
New Testament and the Apocrypha - The introductions and annotations provide necessary historical and cultural background, while at the same time illuminating the complexity of the original texts. Time lines, chronologies, diagrams and maps are included.
Um chronische Depressionen zu behandeln, verbindet der Therapieansatz Metta-Meditation (Loving-Kindness-Meditation) und achtsamkeitsbasierte kognitive Therapie mit verhaltens- und schematherapeutischen Ansätzen.
Die bewährte Assimil-Methode basiert auf dem Prinzip des natürlichen Assimilierens, d.h., man kann eine Fremdsprache auf ganz ähnliche Weise erlernen, wie man schon als Kind die eigene Muttersprache gelernt hat. Diese Methode ermöglicht es dem Lernenden somit, sich Grammatik und Wortschatz ohne lästiges Auswendiglernen anzueignen.