Die Autor*innen thematisieren gesellschaftspolitische wie rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen und geben Einblick in aktuelle empirische Ergebnisse zur psychosozialen Versorgung. Darüber hinaus geben sie konkrete Einblicke in das methodische Handeln in der Beratung ungewollt Schwangerer und die Heterogenität der Adressat*innen.
Humans are lazy egoists, and they perform best under fierce competition. Be it among philosophers, managers, politicians or pub regulars, everyone will agree that we simply are this way. It is set to be our nature ever since Darwin's "Survival of the fittest" was misinterpreted. Under these circumstances, capitalism seems to just suit our ways. Recent studies have revealed that we apparently misunderstood our nature all along. The human is a social being who's most comfortable, and "functions" at its best when in small groups. Andreas von Westphalen reveals the consequences our self-misunderstanding has, and proofs once and for all that overdrawn competition perverts humans and societies alike.