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Clockwork Orange

24,00 €
"Hey, hier kommt Alex!" - in neuer Übersetzung Der 16-jährige Alex sitzt mit seinen Droogs in der Korova-Milchbar. Sie lassen sich durch die Rassudocks gehen, wie der Abend laufen soll, ein schnipsiger, dunkler, kalter Winterarsch. Auf die Frage, was läuft, wenn die Messer in der Moloko zu stechen anfangen, gibt es nur eine Antwort: eine Runde Zwanzig-gegen-einen!
The Imperial Mode of Living

22,20 €
With the concept of the Imperial Mode of Living, Brand and Wissen highlight the fact that capitalism implies uneven development as well as a constant and accelerating universalisation of a Western mode of production and living. The logic of liberal markets since the 19thCentury, and especially since World War II, has been inscribed into everyday practices that are usually unconsciously reproduced. The authors show that they are a main driver of the ecological crisis and economic and political instability. The Imperial Mode of Living implies that people's everyday practices, including individual and societal orientations, as well as identities, rely heavily on the unlimited appropriation of resources; a disproportionate claim on global and local ecosystems and sinks; and cheap labour from elsewhere. This availability of commodities is largely organised through the world market, backed by military force and/or the asymmetric relations of forces as they have been inscribed in international institutions. Moreover, the Imperial Mode of Living implies asymmetrical social relations along class, gender and race within the respective countries. Here too, it is driven by the capitalist accumulation imperative, growth-oriented state policies and status consumption. The concrete production conditions of commodities are rendered invisible in the places where the commodities are consumed. The imperialist world order is normalized through the mode of production and living.
Die neuen Abenteuer von Herrn Hase 6

13,00 €
Beim Teutates! Lewis Trondheim schickt Herrn Hase auf ein völlig verrücktes Abenteuer ins berühmteste Dorf der Comicgeschichte. Seine Hommage an René Goscinny und Albert Uderzo zieht für Fans von kleinen und dicken Galliern sämtliche Register: Fischhändler, Barden, Häuptlinge, Wildschweine und ein leibhaftiger Gott, der es auf ihren legendären Zaubertrank abgesehen hat...
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