Filled with discoveries, this is the dramatic story of Pope Pius XII's struggle to response to the Second World War, the Holocaust, and the Nazi domination of Europe.
With over a million copies in print, an Amazon original series streaming, and countless sub-editions on the market, this long awaited sequel to the Dangerous Book for Boys gives fans exactly what they want - a bawdy sequel with more of what made the first volume a quintessential gift.
From Kim Krans, author of New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook, comes a never-before-published oracle deck and guidebook that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery through the realm of archetypes, the place where myth and dreams meet.
Angereichert mit einer Fülle alter Reiseephemera von Reiseplakaten, Fahrkarten bis zu Gepäckaufklebern, zeichnet dieses Logbuch der Sehnsucht sechs der beliebtesten Reiserouten vergangener Tage nach, als die Welt noch groß und fremd war. Folgen Sie berühmten Reisenden wie Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Mark Twain und Johann...
Sage is an ordinary girl and a werewolf. When her friend is murdered, she is determined to help warlock investigator Oren Rinallis, and find the killer. Unless she and Oren kill each otherfirst ...
Dieses umfassende visuelle Kompendium folgt der Entwicklung von Rechenmaschinen über das gesamte Informationszeitalter, von analog bis digital, von Großcomputern bis zu Smartphones. Jens Müllers Überblick präsentiert Fotografien, Werbekampagnen und Konzeptzeichnungen von Erfindungen, die das digitale Zeitalter eingeleitet und wie der Pager, der...
Philo of Alexandria: "Mosaist", Socratic, Middle-Platonist, Stoic, Pythagorean, Pyrrhonian Sceptic? These are some of the options considered in the essays who examine Philo's participation in the philosophical debate of his time and his fashioning of a new, Jewish discourse.
Philo of Alexandria fashioned a new Jewish discourse from the writings of Moses and the best of Greek philosophy