Inspired by award-winning author John Sullivan's life, this heartwarming story of the joys helping and caring for a stray cat includes a list of dos and don'ts for stray pet adoption.
Outstanding groups of works from over fifty years Abstract geometry and emotional presence Released during Art Basel Outstanding groups of works from over fifty years Abstract geometry and emotional presence Released during Art Basel
Examines systemic unfairness in the United StatesThe built realities of racism and capitalismBeautifully complex portraits
Examines systemic unfairness in the United StatesThe built realities of racism and capitalismBeautifully complex portraits
Life of Dante brings together the earliest accounts of Dante available, putting the celebratory essay of literary genius Giovanni Boccaccio together with the historical analysis of leading humanist Leonardo Bruni. Their writings, along with the other sources included in this volume, provide a wealth of insight and information into Dante's unique character and life, from his susceptibility to the torments of passionate love, his involvement in politics, scholastic enthusiasms and military experience, to the stories behind the greatest heights of his poetic achievements. Not only are these accounts invaluable for their subject matter, they are also seminal examples of early biographical writing. Also included in this volume is a biography of Boccaccio, perhaps as great an influence on world literature as Dante himself.
Wie kann berufliche Bildung in europäischen Grenzregionen auf- und ausgebaut werden? Aus einem Tandemprojekt mit sechs berufsbildenden Schulen in der Euregio Rhein-Waal berichten die Autor:innen über Potenziale und Herausforderungen.
Gut ist böse, böse ist gut?! Yu, der Spriggan par excellence, versteht die Welt nicht mehr, während etliche seiner alten Freunde die Seiten wechseln, und ausgerechnet Cosmos zum letzten Schlag ausholen will. Das große Finale des Manga-Klassikers Spriggan, mit einem nie zuvor in Deutschand veröffentlichtem neuen Kapitel nach Abschluss der Saga!
Unser junger Held hat nicht viel zu lachen: Erst machen Spidey der grausame Deadpool und seine Cyborg-Söldner-Kollegen das Leben zur Hölle, dann muss der Wandkrabbler sich auch noch mit Morbius herumschlagen, einem blutrünstigen Vampir.