Gerhard Fatzer und Daniel C. Schmid zeigen mit den hier zusammengestellten Texten wichtige Grundlagen von Veränderungsarbeit und Management auf. Die Autoren und Autorinnen aus dem Umfeld von Edgar H. Schein, dem Mitbegründer der Organisationsentwicklung, regen zu einem internationalen Dialog über die »Kunst der Veränderung« im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung an und bringen hierzu deutsche und amerikanische Ansätze zusammen. Die präzisen Beschreibungen der Grundlagen von nachhaltiger Organisationsentwicklung können direkt in Projekten und Transformationsprozessen eingesetzt werden.
Warlock Holmes is dealing with a jerk, who just so happens to be a stockbroker. There may be a link. He's also trying to hunt down some tokens to control something magical (it's all rather complicated), and Moriarty just won't stop taking over people's bodies. And of course Dr. John Watson is by his side (mostly), but not quite as useful as he once was...
Especially for guitarists, the alternative tuning of the ukulele with a low G-string ("low G") is interesting, because not only the range is enriched, but also the feeling of playing with a low string is very reminiscent of a guitar.The technique of melody-chord playing used in this songbook uses techniques of classical guitar as well as folk guitar and combines chords with the song melody to create rousing arrangements, all of which have proven themselves in lessons and have been written by the experienced author and pedagogue Patrick Steinbach to be easy to moderately difficult.Besetzung:ukelele (Low G tuning)