Welcome to Iceland, a very small nation with a very large number (two hundred and sixty-five) of (mostly) very small museums, often found in the backyards of houses. From Reykjavik's renowned Phallological Museum to a house of stones; from curious monsters to a museum of whales, here is an enchanted story of obsession, curation, and the peculiar magic of this isolated island.
Was morgens mit Problemen bei der Zubereitung des Frühstückseis beginnt, endet auch am Abend, wenn die Auffassungen darüber divergieren, wie man den Feierabend verbringen...
Dieser Stickeratlas nimmt alle Dino-Fans mit auf eine fantastische Zeitreise. Vom Furcht erregenden Tyrannosaurus über den stacheligen Stegosaurus bis zum sanftmütigen Diplodocus - hier erfahren sie alles über die faszinierenden Wesen der Urzeit. Und das Beste: Mit dem beigefügten Riesenposter und den enthaltenden Leucht-Stickern lässt sich das eigene Zimmer in eine geheimnisvoll funkelnde Urzeithöhle verwandeln!
Anna und Elsa sind im verwunschenen Wald verschwunden! Jetzt sind sie auf deine Hilfe angewiesen. Löse die hier aufgegebenen, kniffligen Rätsel und Aufgaben und lass dich so durch das Buch und schließlich zu den beiden Schwestern führen. Das große Escape-Abenteuer zum Mitmachen ist ein Muss für alle "Die Eiskönigin"-Fans und Rätselfreunde.
If this life is all there is, what should we do with it? Join Swedish philosopher Martin Hägglund on an original inquiry into the deepest questions of existence, beginning with a radical declaration: 'What I do and what I love can matter to me only because I understand myself as mortal.' By illuminating this truth, This Life forges an existential philosophy fit for a darkening century.
Authentic and up-to date information in every course, written and checked by industry insiders Clear and straightforward structure, with each unit containing a menu of learning outcomes, and an end-of-unit checklist with 'Can do' tick boxes Teaches English in context, so students practise the language and skills they need for the job in real work situations Real-world profiles from genuine professionals in the 'It's my job' section offer authentic and engaging<br />insights into the industry Extra facts, figures, quotations, and specialist terminology included in the top margin of unit pages Additional activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Book make the course suitable for mixed-ability classes The Teacher's Resource Book provides specialist background to<br />the industry for every unit, as well as industry tips to support non-expert teachers Project work in the Student's Book, additional activities on the Student's website, and a Key words list of essential vocabulary at the end of every unit provide extra opportunities for revision
This updated course, now over seven levels, gives you even more brain-challenging activities and cross-curricular lessons. With new Online Practice, more opportunities for speaking and more Cambridge YLE Test practice, your class will learn Incredible English and more!