<strong>Vorsicht, bissiger Fisch!</strong><br>
<p>Chaos im Ferienort Amrum: Ein riesiger Fisch rammt eine Luftmatraze und ein abgetrennter Frauenfuß wird an Land gespült. Ist es nur ein Killerfisch oder geht ein Mörder um?</p>
Jane Smith receives an envelope with a key to a storage unit that holds a taxidermied hummingbird and salamander. Silvina, the dead woman who left the note, is a reputed ecoterrorist. By taking the hummingbird from the storage unit, Jane sets in motion events that spin beyond her control. A speculative thriller of dark conspiracy, endangered species, and the possible end of all things.
With eloquence and humanity, Edward O. Wilson calls for a transformational "Third Enlightenment," in which the blending of these endeavors will give us a deeper understanding of the human condition and our crucial relationship with the natural world.
An accessible, compelling introduction to today's major policy issues from the New York Times columnist, best-selling author, and Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman.