Contributions explore the state-of-art in the longitudinal collection of real-life and real-time data that includes combinations of biological, psychological, and behavioral data.
Wie lang ist der Streifen, der aus der Zahnpastatube kommt? Wie viele ganze Brote isst Du im Jahr? - Mit kniffligen Aufgaben individuelle Lösungswege entwickeln und mathematisches Denken fördern!
<i>Uprooted</i> meets <i>The Grace Year</i> in this dark fantasy of love and vengeance following a girl who commits to killing a god after her sister is unjustly killed by his hand.
Serial storytelling has the advantage of unlocking rather than simplifying the complexities of digital culture. With their worldbuilding potential, TV series open up new artistic horizons, particularly for the dystopian genre. Situated at the nexus of dystopia, complex TV, and metamodernism, Dystopia on Demand offers readers novel insights into the dynamics of serial dystopias in the contemporary streaming landscape. The book comprises in-depth analyses of four Anglo-American series, including Black Mirror, Mr. Robot, Westworld, and Kiss Me First, tracing the variety of ways in which they offer critical reflections on the human-technology entanglement.