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Seattle General Strike

22,20 €
One hundred years before the dystopian promise of Seattle's wish-fulfilment centres, the city seemed on the precipice of another future entirely. For five days in February 1919, the emerald city's working class struck across all trades and sectors; as production came to a stop, the real work began: committees were organised to feed the hungry, others to keep the peace and tend to the sick. To the terror of Western tycoons, it seemed as if a red star was flying over Seattle.<br />Cal Winslow retells this woefully forgotten story with fresh eyes. Drawn from original research, Winslow does justice to the leading role that women, black, and Japanese-immigrant workers played in the upsurge, just as he tells the multitudinous histories of resistance that were bound together by the act of the strike.
City Of Dreams

18,30 €
Danny Ryan is heading to Hollywood to disrupt a film being made about his involvement in the East Coast crime war. On set, Danny finds himself in a replica of his neighbourhood, and meets Diane Carson, the actress playing his late wife. Drawn to her, Danny tries to help her cover up a crime in her past, but as he goes to war against new enemies, their two worlds pull them in different directions.
Bobby Z

10,99 €
<p>Endlich in neuer Ausstattung: der Vorläufer zur weltberühmten Kartell-Trilogie</p><p><br></p>
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