Ein außergewöhnliches Lesebuch über die unglaublichen Fähigkeiten von Katzen - von Katzenhaltern erzählt und von Experten entschlüsselt.<br /><br />Ein außergewöhnliches Lesebuch über die unglaublichen Fähigkeiten von Katzen - von Katzenhaltern erzählt und von Experten entschlüsselt.
Das etwas andere Buch über Männer und Frauen
Überraschende Thesen zum Thema Partnerschaft (und Sex), die man unbedingt kennen sollte - vom Bestsellerautor
Das erste und einzige Standardwerk zur Geburtsvorbereitung für Väter - von der Bestsellerautorin und ihrem Mann
Das erste und einzige Standardwerk zur Geburtsvorbereitung für Väter - von der Bestsellerautorin und ihrem Mann
The Archaeology of the Roman Provinces is a young discipline. As an academic subject, it has rapidly achieved great successes in the field of excavation and research and has increased our knowledge to a degree that barely keeps pace with the theoretical mastery of the results. The rapid development of scientific methods has contributed significantly to the self-assurance of the subject and opened up new perspectives for future research. Now and again it has been noted that Provincial Roman archeology has neglected its scientific foundations, methods and theories by omitting a reflection of their concepts and the validity of their findings. In the everyday research and teaching process we seldom worry about the meaning of terms such as analogy and hypothesis, chronology and periodization, or other abstract concepts. This volume deals with the basics of scientific theory, sources, methods and research aims of the subject in 140 articles. The reference book helps students to orient themselves in the language and thinking of science; but also the archaeologically interested will benefit from reading the manual.